Scottish Borders Rocks

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The Chakra System

A basic understanding of the chakra system is really helpful if you want to work meaningfully with crystals - different crystals resonate with different chakras, and if you know the colour of each chakra, where it is located on the body, and what aspect of you it affects, you will be better able to select crystals for specific purposes and use the ones you are drawn to more purposefully.

Chakras are energy centres located along your body. The word ‘chakra’ comes from a Sanskit word meaning ‘wheel’, as these energy centres spin at different rates like wheels. From these central points, energy circulates within your physical body and the energy field around your body. This is a system of give and take - energy is projected out from them, and drawn into them. Chakras can become blocked if you are overly focused on an aspect that affects them, or they can become weakened if you tend to neglect that area of your life. If this persists, it can manifest in your physical body.

There are seven major chakras that feed other smaller chakras.

The colours associated with the chakras are the colours of the rainbow or the visual light spectrum. Colours are created by light vibrating at different rates, and our chakras do the same; the speed of each chakra increases as you go up the body. Crystals also have energy and vibrations, and resonate with specific chakras based on these vibrational rates.

The Root Chakra

This is the lowest chakra on the picture above. It is red and is located around the base of the spine. When this chakra is in balance you are grounded, stable and strong.

The Sacral Chakra

This is the orange chakra located in the groin area. This chakra is responsible for creativity, sexual health and fertility, and self determination.

The Solar Plexus

This is the yellow chakra located around your tummy. It is responsible for abundance. When it is in balance you feel powerful and fearless.

The Heart Chakra

This chakra vibrates as green or pink. It is located in the middle of your chest. This chakra is responsible for love, gratitude, forgiveness and compassion.

The Throat Chakra

This is the blue chakra located at your throat. When this chakra is in balance you are able to communicate with honesty and compassion, and listen to the needs of others.

The Third Eye Chakra

This chakra is purple and is located in the middle of and slightly above your eyebrows. It is responsible for your intuition and insight, and your ability to connect meaningfully with others.

The Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is located slightly above your head and vibrates with a white or ultra violet light. This is your connection to the divine source or spirit. When this chakra is in balance you receive divine wisdom, protection and love.

As a general rule, the colour of a crystal resonates with the corresponding colour of chakra. If you feel that a specific chakra may be blocked, meditating with a crystal of that colour will re-tune it and bring it back into balance. If you can, lie flat and place the crystal on your body where the chakra is located. Visualise drawing light up from the earth and through that chakra until you can see it as a pure light. It is helpful to try and do this with each of your chakras in turn on a regular basis even if you don’t feel they are necessarily blocked, as this helps you to stay in balance. If you feel that you need an extra boost for a specific aspect of yourself, think about which chakra is relevant and carry or wear a stone of that colour that day. Remember that crystals will not necessarily always have an instant effect, but if you work mindfully with them over time and initiate regular practices such as this, you will notice a difference to the way you feel within yourself and the way you interact with others.