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Crystal Grids

People have been using sacred geometry and stones to create crystal grids for centuries; think of stone circles, warrior breast plates, mandalas and medicine wheels. Stonehenge is perhaps the one we know the most about in the UK. It is believed that it was constructed to align with the sun or stars. The stone they used is preseli bluestone, which was hauled over to the South of England all the way from Wales. This must have been no mean feat in ancient times, so that stone must have held some important significance for them. Stonehenge is the perfect example of a crystal grid, as it contains the three main elements needed to create one.

The three main elements of a crystal grid:

1. Crystals

Crystals alter the vibration of energies around you and within you. Different coloured crystals vibrate at different rates, so can resonate with different energy points in your body (as they also vibrate at different rates). This is how they can be used to clear energy blockages in your aura, and how they can alter the feel of energy in a particular space. The universe is made up of energy; ultimately that’s all there is. Working with crystals helps you to tune into the energy around you and attract the things that you need into your life.

2. Sacred Geometry

The geometric shapes make up the building blocks of life; we can see them in everything from cells to galaxies. Without geometric shapes, there would be no universe and no life forms. This is why they are referred to as sacred. Setting out crystal grids in geometric shapes helps to align with the energies of the universe. The geometric pattern you create forms the energetic blueprint behind your crystal grid. Here is a basic guide to some of the shapes you could use:

Circle: Circles are one continuous line so represent eternity and the number 1 in numerology. They were used in protective amulets and sacred stone circles, and signify the shape of celestial bodies and planets. They symbolise protection, wholeness, continuation and focus. 

Triangle: The three lines and three points of a triangle represent the trinity of mind, body and spirit. Pointing upwards it is masculine, downwards feminine. Upwards also represents energy flowing up the chakras towards the divine, downwards is energy flowing down the chakras towards the root. Triangles symbolise creativity, intuition and balance.

Four sided shape: Squares or diamonds represent the number 4 and the four elements. They are strength, durability and endurance like the solid foundations of a building. They symbolise grounding and drawing boundaries.

Cross: Crosses represent the intersection between the physical and spiritual planes. They have been used for centuries as a symbol of spiritual protection. They symbolise connections, union with spirit and new beginnings.

Five sided shape: Pentagons and also pentagrams vibrate on the number 5. Pentagonal geometry is found in flowers and seeds. It represents growth, rebirth, change and flow. 

Six sided shape: Hexagons and also 6 pointed stars vibrate on the number 6. Hexagons are made by bees and represent justice and resilience. Six pointed stars have been used for centuries to ward off negative energy. They symbolise protection, but also balance and harmony, as they are formed of two perfectly balanced, opposite facing triangles. 

Seven sided shape: Septagons and also seven pointed stars vibrate on the number 7. Seven is a sacred number representing many things such as the 7 days of the week, 7 major chakras etc. The 7 pointed star has been used to represent elemental beings in ancient cultures. These shapes symbolise wisdom and knowledge as well as angelic and spiritual connections.

Eight sided shape: To work with the number 8, you can form an octogon, an 8 pointed star, or two overlapping squares at an angle to each other. The 8 points represent 8 points on a compass or 8 feast days in the pagan wheel of the year. The number 8 represents wealth and prosperity in many cultures and traditions. These shapes symbolise abundance, growth and progress.

Spiral: The spiral is infinity and represents focused movement and intensity. It is found in shells, galaxies and DNA. It can be used to represent the coiled serpent at the base of the spine that unwinds when we harness kundalini energy. It symbolises spiritual development, wisdom and growth. 

Flower of life: The flower of life can be found in fruit, cells and snowflakes. It is believed to be the blueprint for the universe. It symbolises harmony, manifestation, creativity and the universal life force. 

Seed of life: The seed of life is the central point of the flower of life, and therefore represents birth, beginnings and potential. It is composed of 7 overlapping circles so represents the 7 days of creation, 7 days of the week etc. It symbolises creativity, growth, new beginnings.

Metatron’s cube: Metatron’s cube includes many sacred geometry shapes within it including circles, squares and six pointed stars. It includes the five Platonic shapes. All of the shapes contained within are considered powerful symbols of protection. It is named after Archangel Metatron who represents wisdom and divine understanding.

3. Your intention and ability to manifest

Given that we and everything around us is made of energy, it makes sense that we can focus energy to attract things into our lives, or change energies to remove stagnant situations. It is therefore really important that when you are creating your grid, you have a clear intention and you focus on it as much as you can. Allow that intention to guide you in the creation of your grid. This intention will help you to tune into your intuition when selecting crystals and shapes that are right for your purpose.

Which crystals to use

There are no rules for this whatsoever, but as a general guiding principle, crystal grids tend to have a central crystal which represents the grid’s purpose. It holds the blueprint of the grid and your intention. Its energy is transmitted through all the other crystals and out into the universe.

The central crystal is often surrounded by support crystals which distribute the energy throughout the whole grid. They support the central crystal with their additional energies.

I hope you have fun creating your crystal grids, and I would love to see pictures of them if you would like to share. I hold crystal grid workshops, whereby you can come along to the shop and play with the crystals here. The creative group energy is really lovely. Get in touch if you would like to join us.